Opening Hours: Mon – Tue – Fri 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM • Wed – Thu 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM • Sat – Sun 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


High-Quality Healthcare You Can Trust

Our practice is led by talented and experienced practitioners committed to sustaining a high-performing healthcare system responsive to the needs of the community Ballarat Doctors serve.

Dr Lakmal De Silva

Dr De Silva has been working as a fulltime General Practitioner for several years and has previous experience in Emergency medicine, Anesthesia and Intensive Care Units. Dr De Silva main areas of interest are chronic disease management, chronic pain management, mental health and travel medicine. Dr De Silva is also a community prescriber for Hepatitis C and also a trained Q fever / Yellow fever vaccinator. Dr De Silva has a wealth of experience and offers the following:

  • Skin cancer diagnosis and management including surgical excision
  • Minor surgical procedures
  • Cervical screenings and Implanon insertions
  • Mental health management planner

Dr Vani Peddi

Dr. Vani has been practicing for the past 11 years as GP and has attained her Fellowship of the Royal Australian college of General Practitioners (FRACGP). She is passionate about providing evidence based and patient centered care. Her special areas of interests include:

  • Elderly care
  • Implanon insertion & removal
  • Contraception
  • Mirena
  • Diabetes management
  • Pregnancy care
  • Womens’ Health

She is trilingual and fluently speaks English, Telugu and Hindi.

Dr Saika Sabrin

General Practitioner, Female.
Speaks English, and Bengali.

MBBS, Diploma in Child Health, Cert in Emergency Medicine (ACEM), Advanced Cert of Skin Cancer Medicine.

Dr Sabrin has over 10 years of experience as a Health Practitioner. Prior to joining Ballarat Doctors Medical Centre in 2022, she has worked as a GP in Ballarat, and Hamilton, Victoria. She also worked as a Senior Resident Medical Officer in regional Victorian hospitals.

In addition to her work as a GP and a hospital doctor, she also worked as a clinical educator and an examiner of MBBS medical examination in Australia.

Dr. Sabrin has advanced experience in women’s health, general and geriatric medicine, orthopaedic, general surgery and emergency medicine.

She enjoys a wide variety of General Practice.

Dr. Sabrin has undertaken further postgraduate qualifications in Paediatrics at University of Sydney, Skin Cancer Medicine from Bond University and emergency medicine from Australasian College of Emergency Medicine.

Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her family, travelling and a good coffee with friends.

Areas of interest:

  • Management of Chronic Disease
  • Women’s Health
  • Mental health
  • Child & Adolescent Health
  • Travel advice
  • Skin cancer Checks
  • Skin cancer management
  • Paediatric Health
  • Geriatric medicine

Dr Thushara Jayalal

Dr Thushara Jayalla is a specialist GP with 7 years working experience in Australia. He attained his Fellowship of Royal Collage of General Practitioner (FRACGP) in Australia.

Prior to becoming a GP, he worked as Senior Medical Officer in Emergency at Campbelltown Hospital in Sydney Southwest Local Health District. In addition to specialist qualification as GP, Dr Thushara holds a specialist qualification in Sri Lanka as consultant Physician (MD in General Medicine). Dr Thushara is accredited supervisor to junior GPs.

Dr Thushara enjoys his spare time with walking with his dog and gardening.

Dr Thushara has special interest in following areas

  • Chronic disease management-hypertension, Diabetes, Respiratory Diseases
  • Paediatrics
  • Sexual Health
  • Skin
  • Mental Health
  • Weight Management
  • Mean’s Health
  • Geriatircs Health
  • Travel Medicine

Dr Sofia Rahman

General Practitioner

Dr. Sofia has 8 year experience in practicing as GP in Australia. Before this period she has had 7 years of practicing in Medicine, Maternal health, Reproductive health, Sexual health, Child health in overseas.

Prior to joining in Ballarat Doctors, she was working successfully in Tristar Medical Group in Sebastopol, Ballarat.

Here areas of interest in practice:

  • Women’s health
  • Pregnancy Management
  • Sexual Health
  • Contraception (Suegical implant on insertion/removal, injectibles, IUD removal, Medical oral contraception)
  • Child & Adolescent health
  • Mental health
  • Diabetes, kidney, heart, thyroid disease
  • Weight management
  • Wound Care
  • Skin
  • Geriatric health
  • Travel and Immunisation advice
  • Men’s health

Dr Praveen Chandra

Senior GP

Dr Praveen has been practising as a General Practitioner offering all aspects of general practice health care with the following special interests:

  • Paediatric Health
  • Depression and Anxiety Management
  • Diabetes Management with care team involvement
  • Men’s Health check
  • Pregnancy counselling and care.
  • Cardiac health check-up,
  • Health checks
  • Weight loss management
  • Musculoskeletal pain management.
  • Contraception advice and counselling
  • Elderly care
  • Overseas Student Health Care
  • Endocrinology Telehealth

Dr Sadia Faiz

Dr Sadia is a very ambitious GP. She is passionate about helping her patients achieve better health. She has previously worked as a GP in Pakistan. Apart from that, she also worked as a hospital doctor in UK. She is polite and caring. She is fluent in English, Urdu and Punjabi. She has special interest in women and child health, chronic disease management and weight management.

Dr Dhanushka Hemachandra

Professional Qualification- MBBS, Certificate of Child Health-Sydney Child Health Programme

Dr Dhanushka is a  Medical  Practitioner with a wide range of clinical experience.

Prior to becoming a  GP, she worked as a Hospital Medical Officer in Emergency Medicine, General Medicine and Surgery  at  Ballarat Base Hospital and Echuca Regional Health.

Additionally, she has  six years of working experience as General Practitioner  and hospital doctor in Sri Lanka.

Dr Dhanushka has special interest in following areas

  • Child Health
  • Women’s Health
  • Chronic Disease Management
  • Sexual Health

Dr Dhanushka enjoys her spare time in watching movies, listening to music and spending time with her family.

Dr Degu Geddebo

I am a non-VR GP, just joined RCAGP FSP program to become a specialist GP.  I have 20 years of experience providing health care internationally.

I graduated in Doctor of Medicine in 2004 from Gondar University, Ethiopia. I spent 8 years providing and managing health services in three African countries before moving to New Zealand in 2012.

In New Zealand, I worked as new medicine evaluator and hospital medical officer for 10 years.

I moved to Australia in April 2022 and have worked in Canberra, Southeast NSW and Melbourne, as hospital medical office.

I have gained variety of clinical experience, such as emergency, general medicine, surgery, orthopaedics, cardiology, stroke, mental health, child health, obstetrics and gynaecology, both in Australia and New Zealand. These experiences enable me to understand the health system and needs of Australian and New Zealand population.

Now, I have chosen GP as my future career and prepared to learn more skills to provide quality primary health care.  I have special interest in preventive medicine, child health, skin care and management of chronic conditions.

I enjoy working with a team and multicultural community. I embrace diversity.

Outside of my work, I like participating in community development, helping people in need and spending time with family. I enjoy cyclic and walking.

Dr Gajaharan Gangasuthan

Prior to joining Ballarat Doctors, Dr Gaja worked as a GP at Ballarat Health Services, Maryborough medical centre and GP clinics in the Western Suburb’s of Melbourne for the past 33 years. He obtained his MBBS and is currently studying his Fellowship with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (FRACGP)

Areas interests:

  • Internal  Medicine
  • Emergency Medicine
  • Chronic disease management such as Diabetes, Heart Condition, Kidney disease, thyroid disease, and weight gain.
  • Mental health
  • Wound Care
  • Men’s Health
  • Child and Adolescent Health
  • Bone, joints and fracture management
  • Skin Conditions
  • Skin cancer diagnosis and management
  • Geriatric Medicine
  • Travel Advice

Dr Seif Ali

MBBS (UK), BBiomedSc (Hons) (Aust)

Dr Seif Ali has recently moved from the UK, having graduated from Southampton Medical school in 2020 and currently in a GP Training program from the Royal College of General Practitioners . He is originally from Iraq and speaks English and Arabic. Have worked in UK and Australia gaining a variety of experience in Emergency medicine, Respiratory medicine, surgical, psychiatry and more. He believes that a holistic approach to health issues is the path towards better physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

Dr Seif Ali has a special interest in the following areas:

  • Mental health manager planner
  • Diabetes management
  • Elderly care
  • Management of chronic diseases
  • Child and adolescent health
  • Weight management
  • Travel and immunisation medicine
  • Wound care

His hobbies are swimming, hiking, keeping up to date with medicine/economy/policitics.

Dr Rahul Jain

MD(Physician) Dch

Dr. Rahul Jain {MD (Physician), DCH & Fellow in Neonatology (India)} is registered with Medical Board of Australia and is a GP Registrar with Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.

Before moving to Australia, he was a Consultant in Paediatrics and Neonatology in India and subsequently has worked at Monash health and in Western Australia in Pediatrics & Neonatology. With his decade long services in Paediatrics, he has acquired both skills and expertise in Paediatrics & Neonatal medicine.

He has also developed keen interest in women’s health and is enrolled with Royal Australian and New Zealand college of Obstetrics and Gynecology for a certificate course.

Never stopping at one specialty, Rahul Jain continuing with his ongoing professional development with chronic disease managements with Diabetes, hypertension, respiratory disorders in adults and pediatrics

He is well versed with different cultures and gels naturally with all communities, ethnicities and genders.

He is a keen follower of cricket and tennis. And loves to go for a social run.

Areas of interest
Pediatrics, Neonatology, Women’s health (Contraception & Menopause)
Languages – English, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu, Armenian

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